Saturday, January 12, 2008

Daily Painting Landscape "Hint of Fall" In Progress

"Hint of Fall" In Progress
Oil on Board

Yes, I did live through the Art Guild meeting and presentation here at my studio on Tuesday. I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed my "Show and Tell" style of presenting my work.

Now for the next thing. The Schiele Museum of Natural History is the venue for our next show. Our spring show takes place there with a theme of 'all things Nature.' It's always fun to see how the different artists bring their views of something from the natural world. Above is the beginning of a landscape I am painting with this show in mind. If it sells beforehand, I will work toward another idea so either way it's fun to put my mind in the outdoors. There is a lake in the foreground. As you can see, I am working from the top down...which is something I often do. This gives me plenty of room on the un-worked areas to rest my hand while I paint. There are times when I work the entire piece simultaneously...and when I get farther along that is what I will do to adjust the contrast and balance.
More tomorrow...

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