Thursday, February 07, 2008

Daily Painting, "Hare Brained" In Progress

"Hare Brained"
Prelim Drawing
Click on Picture for larger view

Doing one just for fun!!
Most of my preliminary work disappears because I usually sketch on the exact surface under my paintings. That being said, it's been great to at least have some camera shots of my preliminary work. Some ideas for paintings just sit in my head for a long time until the moment arrives when the stars align and I can finally do the thing I've been thinking of painting. This one is a good example of that. Several years ago a dear friend gave me this adorable stuffed rabbit because of my company, Wild Hare. (Rabbits became a collection of sorts because of that name.) I immediately thought when she gave it to me that it would make an adorable subject for painting. Then, some time ago, I bought this vintage frame thinking it would be great for something..not sure what. This week, trying to put my mind somewhere fun instead of in the daily grind, I decided to get going on the rabbit. He, the rabbit, sits on a shelf in my studio over the stereo with some books, just as you see him here. He wears a handsome wool felt vest. My husband cut a board to fit the frame yesterday, I gessoed the board and sketched out my painting. Here it begins....

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