Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Card 2007

"Berry Happy Bird"
aka "Mockingbird"
Christmas Card design

In spite of still ailing with this horrible plague my son and his family brought to me, I have been consumed with Christmas duties such as getting our Christmas cards out to friends and family. When I was in the publishing industry I used to send out cards from my company, Wild Hare. Even though it has been several years now since closing Wild Hare, part of me always thinks about what my art would look like on published products. The fun of it was sharing my art with so many people. This year, since I had just finished this painting which seemed so full of abundant joy for this happy bird, this image seemed to represent what I wish for us all. So here is my Christmas card to you this year!!

Meanwhile, I have been to the doctor, am taking several meds and hoping that soon I can get back on my feet. Who knew that this thing would turn into pleuresy (spelling?) and knock me down for so long? Hopefully I am down, but not out. I apologize for being away from painting and posting for these last couple of weeks, but I am having to take my time to recover. My husband thinks I needed this to slow down for a while anyway...may be true, but I'm not a patient patient. :-) I hope to be back with some more regular postings by the first of the year....which is coming up fast, isn't it?

Monday, December 03, 2007

Uninvited House Guests

First there was a week of prepping for guests, my son and family who I don't get to see very often. (once or twice a year) Son, wife, and two children arrived all with the flu. Thus came the uninvited guests: thousands of germs, runny noses, coughing, throwing up, etc. So the next week was spent nursing them back to health. The son and family are now off on a Caribbean cruise for a holiday and now I am left with the flu. I started taking Airborne twice a day before they came and continued until they left. I think it helped alleviate some of the symptoms, but nevertheless, I have come down with muscle aches and chills and a bit of a cough and what feels like a knife stabbing me in the ribs.

Bottom line: sorry for delaying posts and missing out on painting, but it couldn't be helped. I'll be back soon.....
By the way, our Berry Happy Bird turns out to be a Mockingbird. Thank you Clarissa and Diana for letting me know. :-)