Thursday, February 28, 2008

Daily Painting, "Morning Visitor" In Progress

"Morning Visitor"
Oil on Raymar Linen Panel
In Progress

Not too far from our kitchen window is a dogwood tree where we have a bird feeder hanging. My husband loves to feed the birds and they must be very grateful and happy because we have lots of them coming to the feeders. We also have a woodpecker family. The other morning, as I was reading the paper and having my coffee, I looked out of that window and there was this silly woodpecker enjoying his breakfast, too. He is too big for the feeder really, so when he gets on there he sits on one perch but then stretches up to the feeder port, two ports up from the one by the perch. And then he flits up to the dogwood limbs and eats away at his prize, a black oiled sunflower seed. He was so beautiful on this gray winter morning that I raced to the studio to get my camera, ran back to the kitchen window to see if I could capture him against the woodsy backdrop that is our yard. Lucky for me he stayed around quite a while and this is the shot I got of him which I am now happy to be painting!!!

This is just the beginning of the painting from the amount of time I had to paint this morning....stay tuned to see the finished one!!


Kellie Marian Hill said...

wow, that looks wonderful- I love the colors, and I'm so glad you're sharing in-progress stuff, it's so inspiring.

Cheryl Pass said...

Thanks, Kellie!! I'm so glad you stopped by. I see you are in Durham and I'm glad to find another North Carolina artist!! Hope you'll stay tuned!!