"Black Shoes & Pearls" In Progress
Oil on Gessoed Board
When I began this one, as usual, I had romantic visions in my head....a painting of my favorite black shoes with my pearls haphazardly placed, just as if I had come home from a lovely dinner party with friends and dropped everything on my way to bed. I really do think like that, you know. I notice vignettes around me that suggest someone just stepped out of the picture, but you know they were there because that is just how they left things.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what has happened. Our friend, Tom, died last evening and just stepped out of the picture. I have been trying to paint this last couple of weeks while keeping vigil with my friends as we have known he was going to leave us. Now I will be wearing these shoes and my pearls to a memorial service next Saturday. Not the romantic vision I had, but rather the still life of reality, losing a friend. Can't go back...just put one foot in front of the other and be thankful you had him in your life. Sorrow cloaks my spirit today.
On another note: The Charlotte Observer has interviewed me and their photographer spent a couple of hours in my studio yesterday. It will be interesting to see what they do with this. The focus was mostly on my dog portraits, Bosley, and my interest in celebrating the adoption of companion animals from the pound or local humane society. Bosley, of course, was the star and I hope people will enjoy seeing him in the paper. I'm not sure when this article will run, but when it does I will mention it here in both of my blogs..this one and "thepainteddog."
Back to the painting....detail the pearls..work the background...much yet to do. Stay tuned!